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Camp Meeting a Full 90 minutes of Joy


It was with great anticipation and excitement to have many previous Camp Directors/ Leaders and camps at the first meeting Saturday.  We have a complete outline of the daily schedule, we have most of the key leadership positions filled and we have a committed staff to bring you a great 3 day retreat.  

Thanks to Lisa Litchfield we have now posted a link for Amazon purchase that will help a percentage go to fund our camp and we are rolling with excitement. We have a deadline for registration, May 16th 2018, as we are limited to how many people we can accommodate. Family's take up a complete room and this seems to be our largest group at this time attending. 

We have lots of crazy ideas and some really good ones.  The one I really like is that camp starts a full hour and 20 minutes each morning then the previous camps. This will allow us to be a bit more caffeinated before the morning starts up. Also camp has a flex schedule in the evening so the SINGLES can stay up later but the families can head back to bed and get some needed early sleep. 

All is going great and we are excited to share new items every two weeks as we get closer to camp starting. 

Cheers - Amigo Ned

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